Abigail Frost, 1951-2009

Abigail Frost died unexpectedly at the end of April 2009. The funeral was at the East London Crematorium on Friday 22 May. Her oldest friend Roz Kaveney records her grief here, and fellow Labour Party worker Paul de Gregorio has also posted memories. This page links to samples of Abigail's writing and artwork for science fiction fanzines and newsletters, 1979-1994 – some long available on line, many others newly scanned. More may be added, especially if helpful people scan or rekey the material. Volunteers please contact David Langford.

Many of these pieces assume a specific context of conversation between participants in SF fandom (Abigail being among the substantial minority who weren't particularly keen on SF but loved the social life of fandom). A selection of the more immediately accessible prose items below – personal and political – are marked ¶ as possibly useful starting points for "outsiders".

Bibliography – with further links and cover scans


Fragments (1979-1993)

Yorcon '79 (Eastercon) Report with Roz Kaveney (1979)

Seacon '79 (Worldcon) Report with Roz Kaveney (1979)

Arts and Draughts (1979)

The History of the Haggis (1980) – PDF

Second Thermidor (Level 1) (1980)

She Loves You, Yeah Yeah Yeah (1980)

On Mice and Earl Grey (letter, 1980)

Cutler in Docklands Horror (1981)

Towards a Feminist Reassessment (1981)

The One Tun: 2 July 1981

Duplicators for Poland (a Cause, 1981) – PDF

Brothers, Sisters, We Don't Need This Fascist Groove Thang (1982)

Martians Invade Isle of Dogs (1982) – PDF

Toughminded Straighttalking Viciously Elitist Ivory Tower Blues (1982)

Fanzine reviews, January and June 1982

The Thin Dead Line (1982)

The East Is Pink (1982)

Low Technology (1982)

Scraps from the Table (1983)

Swinging Monsters (1983)

Running Commentary (1983)

A Iz Fer Orsiz (1983)

Fairy Bells (1983)

Hello, Frank ... (1983)

The Smiler with the Knife (1983)

Quote of the Week (1983)

Give Us Back Our 31 Days! (1984)

Time for a Quickie! (1984)

Back Coming (1984)

This is Cactus Country (the first Mexicon, 1984)

Defunctive Music I: Siren Song (?1984)

Why on Earth ... (1984)

Langdon Chart of British Fandom (1984) – PDF with commentary

Goodbye Frank (1984)

Splinters and Mysteries (1984)

Life's Little Ironies: The FOULER Boys (1984)

A Mitcham Mint (1985)

Cooking in a Hotel Room (1987)

Yesterday in Parliament (1989)

Division Street (1989)

Letter v Spirit (1989)

A New Concept in Fan Controversy (1989)

A Word from Your New Maximum Leader (1990)

R.I.P. Tile (1990)

From Here to Conspiracy (1990)

Election Special (1991)

Slouching Towards Oblivion (1991)

The Novacon 21 Tradition (1991)

Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure: Up the Tollgate (199?)

Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure: Chairing the Member (1992) with Glossary

Interesting Times (1992/1993)

As editor: Cactus Times (Mexicon 5 newsletter, 1993)

In Progress and other US trip notes (1993)

McGonagall's "Ode to The Scottish Convention" (with David Langford, 1994)

Fragments (1979-1993)

Bibliography – with further links and cover scans

Thanks to Arnold Akien, Sandra Bond, Rob Hansen, Roz Kaveney (above all), Caroline Mullan and Robert Lichtman for general support and help with research, proofreading, scanning and OCR.